In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Preconstruction Manager Judd Foelker), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Preconstruction Manager Judd Foelker
Describe what you do at Warfel: I work with the project team (Owners, Owners Reps, Designers, and Municipality Officials) through the preconstruction process. We attempt to resolve any design and schedule conflicts during the design process, so they don’t create expensive changes and delays during construction. I prepare the construction team to efficiently execute the work.
Degree: BE in Marine Engineering, SUNY Maritime College
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I chose the school above the specific degree. The college I went to prepared me well for my first career in the US Navy. Also, we had a ship that we got to sail to exotic destinations (like Albany) during Summer Sea Term.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 7 years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? After college, I was in the Navy for 6 years. Then a tug boat company in Seattle for 6 years, a construction company in Las Vegas for 5 years, and a construction company in Brownstown, PA for 7 years.
What is your favorite part of your job? I really enjoy helping my clients achieve their goals.
What is the worst job you ever had? As a teenager, I stacked hay bales in the wagon as they came out of the baler on an Amish neighbor’s farm. It was my father’s creative way to keep me out of trouble.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? Convincing my wife to marry me.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? Don’t make social plans for the next four years. And four years flies by, it’ll be over before you know it.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Great place to work. Lots of support and encouragement.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? Not to take myself too seriously.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut – I still do.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? People think that because you’re an engineer you can fix anything. Sometimes stuff is just broken.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? My wife and I enjoy cycling, hiking, kayaking and spending time with our dog.
Judd (bottom right) on a bike ride with friends.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I play the Ukulele, but not very well.
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Superintendent Josh Hauser), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Superintendent Josh Hauser
Describe what you do at Warfel: I manage the onsite activities of a commercial jobsite.
Degree: BS Civil Engineering, MS Civil Engineering, Penn State University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? My neighbor growing up was an engineer, and it seemed like he could figure out anything. I looked up to him and wanted to do the same.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 11 years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? I came to work for Warfel right after graduation from college.
What is your favorite part of your job? The people I work with and the satisfaction of seeing something get built is my favorite part of my job.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? Being promoted to superintendent.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? An engineering degree won’t teach you all the answers, but it will teach you how to think. You will be able to find the answers yourself.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Warfel is a close-knit group. They are like family to me. I try my best to do good work for the company, and they take good care of me.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I have a small farm that I enjoy working on.
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Senior Project Manager Rusty Hoffman), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Senior Project Manager Rusty Hoffman
Describe what you do at Warfel: I am responsible for overall project management, including coordination with the Owner, Architects, Engineers and all local authorities for a given project. This includes constant communication with this team to ensure projects are delivered on time and on budget.
Degree: Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Penn State University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? From a young age I have always enjoyed seeing things come together and in this career you rarely, if ever, do the same project twice.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 11 Years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? I have been at Warfel my entire professional career, including an internship in 2006 during my senior year at Penn State.
What is your favorite part of your job? You never do the same project twice and you have a new group of personalities to adjust to and work with for every project.
What is the worst job you ever had? Maintenance at a new golf course.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? Completion and turnover of the OAL project in 2015
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? If you work hard towards what you want, the hard work will pay off. Also, never underestimate the importance of being on time!
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Always be willing and eager to learn from anyone you work with no matter their age or position within the organization.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? Owner of a boat/fishing boat charters.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? It’s not all about crunching numbers as it is about working together as a team to tackle problems that arise on a daily basis.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I enjoy snowboarding, hiking (with my dog), running, traveling and working to renovate my house!
Rusty and his dog Riley.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I ran, and finished, the Marine Corps Marathon (Bucket List Item!).
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Field Engineer Robert Lenosky), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Robert Lenosky, Field Engineer
Describe what you do at Warfel: I provide assistance to the Superintendent on site through quality control checks and schedule management of the subcontractors. I help the project team to work through and complete all phases of the project from buyout to completion. The Field Engineer position allows me to get a sense of both what the field and office sides of the job are like.
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Penn State University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I had taken masonry as a technical study in high school and this opened my eyes to something I was good at. I could see that I enjoyed building things with my hands, but why not take it a step further and contribute to a project with my mind. I get a great sense of satisfaction when I contribute and get to see an amazing project through it’s completion. I also am fascinated by figuring out how things work or even fail. Engineering is a lot of fun and not just all work.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 6 weeks
What did you do before you came to Warfel? I joined the United States Army following my High School graduation. My time in the Army took me to my duty station in Colorado for three years, during which deployed to Afghanistan for one year. Following my active duty time in the Army, I started college at Penn State in 2014 and later decided to join the United States Army Reserves. During my eight years in the Army, I served as a Combat Engineer and had the pleasure of being a Team Leader/Squad Leader where I led and mentored many soldiers. This leadership role built the foundation of who I am as a person today.
Robert during active duty at a demolition range in Colorado.
What is your favorite part of your job? I enjoy building personal relationships with coworkers and the different subcontractors we partner with. It’s great to be a part of the teamwork and to see an amazing project come together from start to finish.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? I am very proud to say I have served my country in the United States Army and deployed overseas but I am also very proud to say that following that I completed my degree in Civil Engineering from Penn State.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? Stay organized and take your studies seriously. Learn as much as possible to set yourself up for success coming into the work force.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Get to know the employees as well as possible through our website before your interviews. I would have to say that we have the greatest team of employees and if you want to be a part of this team, show interest in the people you will potentially be working with. Teamwork is a huge part of this company and how it operates. The culture is key, and we strive to provide that for our clients. Be prepared to love your job.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? The most important thing I have personally learned in my career through the military and being an engineer would be to never be intimidated by anyone and to never be afraid to ask questions. The less you are intimidated, the more questions you will ask and ultimately the more you will learn in this field. Never stop learning!
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? I’m not sure who I would pick. Engineering is what I’m good at, and anything else I don’t think would work out for me.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? It’s not always calculations and numbers like everyone assumes. There are so many useful things engineering could be used for. Engineering has molded me into a better thinker, a more efficient worker, and has allowed me to become better at personal relations.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I enjoy watching sports, engaging myself in physical activity, spending time with my dog and girlfriend, and tasting new craft beers.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I have a deep passion for food and craft beer. My ultimate dream is to retire some day and open my own craft brewery/pub. To me it’s always a place where people go to relax and enjoy good food and good drinks with good people.
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Project Manager Amber Schnader), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Project Manager Amber Schnader, LEED AP
Describe what you do at Warfel: I manage projects of various sizes by hiring subcontractors, managing internal teams and coordinating with architects, engineers, and building owners. I’m responsible for ensuring quality, schedule, and budget remain on-track throughout the construction process.
Degree: Civil Engineering, Bucknell University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I was interested in architecture and construction from a young age. In high school, a construction superintendent gave me advice that getting a degree on the engineering/design side would be practical but he recommended applying it with a construction management career to see how the design functions in the field.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 7 years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? College
What is your favorite part of your job? Working with many different teammates, internal and external to the company
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? Make sure you learn the design and calculation process for engineering, but get an internship to see if you would enjoy doing that for a career, or if you would prefer managing the construction of those designs.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Be yourself in your interview; we value authenticity and honesty.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? Everyone approaches a situation from a different perspective and with a different personality; it’s critical to take different viewpoints into account.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Home renovations, cooking/baking and outdoorsy things like gardening, kayaking, and hiking
Amber with her husband Travis and dog Cole.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I never had to wear braces or a retainer to get my straight teeth.
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Project Manager Alex Byard), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Project Manager Alex Byard, LEED GA
Describe what you do at Warfel: As a Project Manager, I help oversee all aspects of projects throughout their entire lifecycle. I help cultivate and maintain Clients for Life relationships, lead and guide our internal project teams, manage the project schedules and finances, and coordinate all parties affiliated with the projects. Ultimately, the most rewarding aspect of this role is to help augment the quality of life of the people that occupy the spaces we help create.
Degree: Bachelor of Architectural Engineering and Master of Architectural Engineering, Penn State University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I knew that I wanted to work in construction. Majoring in Architectural Engineering provided me with the ability to study all aspects of the industry, from design, to engineering, and then the actual construction. Of the four focus areas with in the major, I chose construction management because I knew that I wanted to work for a construction company.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 5 years in May
What did you do before you came to Warfel? School (I did an internship my last summer of school at construction company in Wilmington, DE).
What is your favorite part of your job? The people I work with, because they make work exciting!
What is the worst job you ever had? File clerk at a law firm in high school.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? Having two wonderful sons!
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? While the coursework in high school and college may be tough, the job is very rewarding and satisfying because you can physically see what your efforts created. Moreover, there are a plethora of job opportunities in various industries that allow people to start and maintain rewarding careers!
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Our cultural assessment process here is designed to help us hire those individuals that embody the same core values as the rest of our employees. Teammates here are honest individuals that do the right thing, support others, strive for greatness, and follow through on their commitments. Warfel is the greatest place to work, because your fellow employees make the environment so enjoyable you wake up eagerly awaiting to start your day!
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? I would love to be a professional golfer (Tiger Woods was my childhood sports idol).
What do you wish people knew about engineering? Engineering is not simply sitting at a desk using a calculator. Engineering is what drives innovation in fields under the sea, on land, in the air, and in space!
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I enjoy spending time with my wife and two sons. We like to work on projects around the house, whether it is building our deck or building a toy block towers! We love being outdoors and taking the dog with us on family walks, playing sports with the neighbors in the backyard, and reading books to our kids before bedtime.
Alex with his wife and sons.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I have lived in three states (Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania).
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Project Engineer Zach Fisher), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Project Engineer Zach Fisher
Describe what you do at Warfel: I work through potential design and coordination issues with the Owner and Design team. I review and process submittals, RFIs, subcontractor and owner billing. While I am onsite, I review potential Quality Control issues and work to ensure the specifications and drawings are followed.
Degree: BS in Mechanical Engineering from Temple University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? My dad worked in residential construction in a multitude of roles, so I’ve been building things from a young age and have enjoyed it.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 3 years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? I built and operated schools in rural Uganda, East Africa, for an Australian-based Non-Government Organization
What is your favorite part of your job? I enjoy working through potential design issues or conflicts with our subs and design team to find a solution that is the best fit for the building and Owner.
What is the worst job you ever had? In college, I got a job at a pizza shop. One my duties was dressing up as the Pizza Slice Mascot and walking around Philadelphia handing out flyers and promoting the store. The suit was really hot, smelled bad, and I was always running into things.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? As someone who wasn’t the best student, it was important for me to learn that having a strong work ethic and initiative is more important than just being smart.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? We’re all about people. I want to know you’re capable but, more importantly, I want to have a friend sitting in the office next to me.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? It’s all about the people, teamwork makes the dream work.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? I’d love to have had Buzz Aldrin’s job. First, he went to space which is pretty cool. Second, he travels around and inspires kids to be interested in STEM, which I think is very important.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? I don’t think people realize that engineering is all around them; it’s not just the cars and space ships that are designed by engineers. It’s the door closers, sub-grade (soils), vending machines, fidget spinners, etc. which were all designed and built by engineers.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I enjoy being in the outdoors. Whether it’s hiking, camping, biking, or any other excuse to be in the outdoors.
In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Senior Estimator Kyle Goodyear), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.
Senior Estimator Kyle Goodyear
Describe what you do at Warfel: As a Senior Estimator, I lead one of our bid teams, handling project coordination with Clients and design team members, as well as our internal team members such as the Preconstruction and Operations departments. I am also responsible for managing the detailed estimating of my assigned trades for each project and coordinating the various scopes of work within the bid team. Conceptual “one-off” estimates are another responsibility of mine when Clients are looking for early budgetary pricing without a lot of design details.
Degree: Architectural Engineering, Construction Management Focus, Penn State University
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I was always very good with math and science so an engineering path just made sense. As a kid, my dad did a lot of residential construction so I was around it all the time and was always interested in building things, so that led me to the specific major.
How long have you worked at Warfel? Nearly 8 years.
What did you do before you came to Warfel? I came to Warfel right after graduating from Penn State. While I was in school, I worked over the summers for another construction company as a laborer and intern.
What is your favorite part of your job? There are several aspects that I really enjoy, but I think my favorite part is getting the opportunity to visualize the construction of a project in my head, right down to the minute details. Coincidentally, this is also when I feel like I’m really putting my engineering background to work.
What is the worst job you ever had? From the standpoint of being physically straining, I’d say my worst job was one winter while working as a laborer for a sitework contractor. I spent the days working in below-freezing temperatures installing pipe and precast structures, often working with bare hands. Having gone through that, it served as a great reminder of why I was going to school, and gave me an enormous appreciation for the people that do it every day.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? I think the most exciting accomplishment for me in terms of my career was winning the first bid that we submitted where I was the leader of the bid team. We spend a lot of time working on preconstruction projects, where it is no longer a competitive environment. So, on the occasion that we have a competitive bid, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing you out-worked and out-smarted everyone else, and it just creates a huge sense of pride in the team.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? Whether you’re considering more of a design role or something in management, I think one of the best things that a potential engineering student can do is to spend some time working in the field for which their future work would be impacting. Not only does it give you a chance to be sure you like it, but it also helps build some rapport with those whom you may be managing or sending your design to.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Above all else, when it comes to growing our team, Warfel is focused on culture. So, if you’re interested in joining our team and you get the opportunity to talk with us, the most important thing you can do is to be yourself. While knowledge of the position is great, we’re much more concerned about whether it’s a fit culturally, and we can only determine that if we get to know you.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is that I can’t, and I don’t have to, do it all by myself. Ambition and initiative are wonderful, but there are reasons why we work in teams, rather than as individuals. I’ve always considered myself a good team player, but learning when to rely on my teammates for support has helped me become much more efficient.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? I think if I were to change jobs, and educational background was not a limitation, I would lean toward meteorology. Ever since I was a little kid I was always fascinated by watching weather patterns and models on TV, as well as watching storms develop in the sky.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told somebody what my degree is, and they immediately think I draw buildings. There are certainly engineers who do that, but the foundation of knowledge from an engineering degree opens all kinds of opportunities. In our company alone, there are engineers in preconstruction management, estimating, project management, and field supervision positions.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter, doing home improvement projects, hunting, golfing, and pretty much anything that gets me outdoors.
Kyle with his wife and daughter.
What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? When I was an intern with another company during college, I worked in the estimating department and I was adamant that I did not want to do estimating as my career. After working in operations for about 5.5 years at Warfel, I made the switch to estimating and I love it now.