At Warfel, safety is our top priority. We’re committed to making sure that each employee, subcontractor, consultant and client goes home the same way that he or she came to work that day. Our team of safety professionals works hard to maintain a culture and environment of safe work practices. Today, meet Safety Administrator Kristy Houck.

Describe what you do at Warfel: I think it would be easier to list what I don’t do! I have my hands in a little bit of everything.
In your words, why is safety so important? I want everyone to go home everyday the same way they came to work.
Where did you go to school? Columbia High School
How long have you worked at Warfel? I have been at Warfel 11 years as of March.
What did you do before you came to Warfel? Before I came to Warfel, I worked for a company that dealt with people that were on workers compensation. We tried to place them in jobs that accommodated their restrictions.
What is your favorite part of your job? I love that everyday is different, and the people I work with
What is your most exciting accomplishment? My son, he has taught me more in life that he will ever know.
What has changed the most since you’ve started your career? I would have to say the procedures of the way we do things. When I started at Warfel we did everything paper copies. Now everything is more streamlined and done electronically.
What’s your favorite part of working in the construction industry? I love the construction industry because it’s never boring and it always changing. I love that every project is different.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? I wouldn’t switch with anyone, I like my job.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Spending time with my son, being active, spending time outdoors, reading, going to the movies and shopping.
You can learn more about National Safety Week here.