In honor of National Engineers Week, we’re highlighting Warfel employees with engineering degrees. Experts say demand for engineers will continue to grow as governments and industry work to meet the challenges of a growing global population and dwindling resources. Check out our featured employee today (Preconstruction Manager Judd Foelker), and follow along all week as we learn more about the team members who make Warfel a leader in the construction management industry.

Describe what you do at Warfel: I work with the project team (Owners, Owners Reps, Designers, and Municipality Officials) through the preconstruction process. We attempt to resolve any design and schedule conflicts during the design process, so they don’t create expensive changes and delays during construction. I prepare the construction team to efficiently execute the work.
Degree: BE in Marine Engineering, SUNY Maritime College
Why did you choose that course of study/degree? I chose the school above the specific degree. The college I went to prepared me well for my first career in the US Navy. Also, we had a ship that we got to sail to exotic destinations (like Albany) during Summer Sea Term.
How long have you worked at Warfel? 7 years
What did you do before you came to Warfel? After college, I was in the Navy for 6 years. Then a tug boat company in Seattle for 6 years, a construction company in Las Vegas for 5 years, and a construction company in Brownstown, PA for 7 years.
What is your favorite part of your job? I really enjoy helping my clients achieve their goals.
What is the worst job you ever had? As a teenager, I stacked hay bales in the wagon as they came out of the baler on an Amish neighbor’s farm. It was my father’s creative way to keep me out of trouble.
What is your most exciting accomplishment? Convincing my wife to marry me.
What advice do you have for students considering pursuing an engineering degree? Don’t make social plans for the next four years. And four years flies by, it’ll be over before you know it.
What advice would you give someone applying to Warfel? Great place to work. Lots of support and encouragement.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your career? Not to take myself too seriously.
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be/what would you do? Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut – I still do.
What do you wish people knew about engineering? People think that because you’re an engineer you can fix anything. Sometimes stuff is just broken.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? My wife and I enjoy cycling, hiking, kayaking and spending time with our dog.

What’s a fun fact about you that we might not know? I play the Ukulele, but not very well.